Training / Workshop


Next MatCalc workshop: December 5th-6th, 2024


Next MatCalc training courses:

- Basic course: August 2025

- Advanced course: August 2025




17th MatCalc workshop and user meeting

The workshop and user meeting is aimed at bringing together MatCalc users for discussion of problems and exchange of ideas. During the two days, experienced MatCalc trainers are available to provide tips and tricks as well as worked examples. The participants are encouraged to provide short presentations of their experience / solutions / problems, which will serve as starting points for deeper discussion. This workshop is particularly valuable for users with a certain degree of experience, since the problems discussed will require basic skills in the use of the software as well as understanding of problems in thermodynamics and kinetics. It is likely to be of limited value for MatCalc newbies. The MatCalc workshop and user meeting is held at a time when Vienna exhibits lots of very nice Christmas markets. We are going to visit one of them in the evening ...

The next workshop will take place in December 5th-6th 2024 in Vienna and it is open to every MatCalc user interested in improving his skills and sharing his experience. Registration deadline is set at November 17th, 2024. If the number of registered participants will be less than 3, the organiser reserves the right to cancel the course. For more information and to register, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




MatCalc Training 2025

MatCalc is a complex software, and modeling of materials microstructure and properties is a complex topic. Consequently, there is a million of possibilities to make things right (or wrong). To give the beginners a helping hand, we offer training on the MatCalc software and courses on basic thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanics as related to problems which can be solved with MatCalc. Currently, the training content is divided between two courses. The first one covers the MatCalc handling and the thermokinetic simulations of precipitates. Based on this content, the second course explores the advanced simulations of the microstructure evolution (vacancy dynamics, grain growth, work hardening, recovery, recrystallization) and the estimation of the material’s mechanical properties (yield strength, flow curves).


"MatCalc Basic Thermokinetic Simulations"

The basic course covering the thermodynamic and kinetic simulations of precipitates takes place in August 2025 (an exact date will be announced in January 2025). The course takes place in TU Wien Campus Getreidemarkt. In order to register, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration deadline is set to mid of July. If the number of registered participants will be less than 5, the organiser reserves the right to cancel the course. Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need more information.


Day 1 (10:00 - 17:00)

- Welcome

- Introduction in MatCalc: GUI and first steps

- Theory: thermodynamic equilibrium, driving forces, databases, ...

- Practical training: How to create a workspace, simple equilibrium calculations, stepped calculations ...

- Practical training: Graphical representation of results, data export, ...

Day 2 (9:00 - 17:00)

- Scheil-Gulliver type calculations (theory and practice)

- T0- temperature (theory and practice)

- Using scripts in MatCalc (examples)

- Theory: Phase transformation and precipitation: Comparison of popular models (KJMA, parabolic growth, DICTRA, ...)

- Practice: How to set up precipitation kinetics simulations

- Theory: Introduction to the SFFK Model

Day 3 (9:00 - 17:00)

- Theory: Nucleation theory and implementation into MatCalc

- Practice: Changing nucleation conditions: Ortho- / paraequilibrium nucleus composition, nucleation sites, etc.

- Theory: Treatment of interfacial energies.

- Theory and practice: Grain boundary precipitation versus random distribution: the importance of the correct diffusion field geometry

- Examples

Day 4 (9:00 - 14:00)

- Calculation of TTP-diagrams (theory and example)

- Discussion / analysis of practical examples of users


"MatCalc Advanced Microstructure Simulations"

The advanced course covering the microstructure evolution and mechanical property simulations takes place in August 2025 (an exact date will be announced in January 2025). The course takes place in TU Wien Campus Getreidemarkt. In order to register, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration deadline is set to mid of July. If the number of registered participants will be less than 5, the organiser reserves the right to cancel the course. Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need more information.


Day 1 (10:00 - 17:00)

- Welcome

- Grain growth models: Single-class, Multi-class

- Interaction of precipitate kinetics with grain growth: Zener pinning, solute drag

- Dislocation density evolution models

- Interaction of precipitation kinetics with dislocation density evolution – strain induced precipitates

Day 2 (9:00 - 17:00)

- Subgrain growth model: static recovery, dynamic recovery

- Recrystallization model: single- and multi-class grain growth based

- Vacancy dynamics: quenched-in vacancies, vacancy trapping

Day 3 (9:00 - 14:00)

- Yield strength modeling: evaluation of mechanical threshold

- Flow curve modeling

- Discussion / analysis of practical examples of users


In case of any questions you might also send an email to Ernst.




Further Information for your stay in Vienna:

... hotel info...