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FAQ - Window positions

:?: Application window does not show up on program start - When I start MatCalc, I don't see the main window popping up although the program seems to be running.

:?: Some windows have disappeared - When running MatCalc and opening the 'buffer states' window or the 'console', they don't appear on my screen.



When MatCalc is closed, the last window positions are saved for the next startup. When you use two computer screens, it might happen that you move some popup windows, or even the entire main window, to a secondary screen. If you open MatCalc without the secondary screen connected, MatCalc will still try to display the windows on the lattest positions. In this case, the secondary display.


:!: Reset the saved positions of the MatCalc windows.

  1. If MatCalc is running
    • Open the 'View' menu and select 'Restore window positions'
  2. If you do not see the application window (version 1, the 'easy way', MatCalc version 5.44.0012 and higher)
    • Start MatCalc (you will not see the main window, but after starting the program, MatCalc will have keyboard focus).
    • Press the ALT and SHIFT keys together with 'R' (ALT SHIFT + 'R'). This should bring the main window to your screen. If not, try the 'hard way' described below.
  3. If you do not see the application window (version 2, the 'hard way')
    • Close all running instances of MatCalc. Eventually kill all hanging threads.
    • Open the command line window (terminal) of your operating system. (For instance, on Windows, press the Wondows start button and select 'Run…'. Type 'cmd' in the edit field and press 'Enter'. This procedure should start the terminal application).
    • Change to your MatCalc program directory (on Windows, you will typically use the command 'cd' with: cd “c:\program files\MatCalc”)
    • start MatCalc with the suffix '/r'. (On Windows, type the following command: “mcg /r”. See also FAQ - Pass on command line arguments)
    • The '/r' switch tells MatCalc to restore all window positions just like for the previous menu command from within MatCalc.